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About the Brockton Symphony Orchestra

About the BrSO | Musicians | Past Seasons | Board and Staff | Music Director

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Board of Directors

Susan Caplan, Chair

Stephanie Burns, Vice Chair

Maureen Jardin, Secretary

Ross DeLuca, Interim Treasurer

Torben Hansen, Chair Emeritus

Tom Williams, Bookkeeper

Carolyn Baughman
Darlene Campisano
Patricia Chane
Annette Coleman
Peter Daigle
Phyllis Ellis
Gregory Fernandes
Mark Finklestein, M.D.
Fred Fontaine

Maxine Frutkoff
Karen Grant
Lorrie Hassan
Melanie Hayn
Carleton Haynes
Amy Korim
Jeffrey Lichenstein
Erik Lindgren
Bruce Pyne

Carol Rankin
Dr. Donald Running
Alexander Rysman
Erik Svenson
Stephen Walsh
Christine Warren
Robert Wisgirda

Marketing and Publicity Manager, Jill Tokac Photo of Jill Tokac

Jill is incredibly excited to be working with the BrSO as the Marketing and Fundraising Manager! Jill has worked in Marketing for Classical Music since she graduated college in 2021. Originally a director and a choreographer, Jill has worked on over 20 musicals, and taught 9 years of masterclasses. A graduate from Emerson College, Jill works for Cape Symphony during the day before rushing off to a rehearsal.

Classical Staff

Classical Staff

The BrSO Classical Staff is a dedicated group of music lovers who assist with hospitality and fundraising activities at our concerts. We are always looking for new volunteers to join the Classical Staff and the BrSO family! The Classical Staff work together to manage ticket sales, silent auctions, after-concert receptions, special events, and more.

If you are interested in joining the Classical Staff, please call our office at (508) 588-3841 or email us at brocktonsymphony1@gmail.com

Current Members

Gladys Rysman, Chair

Classical Staff photo credit: Liam Grant

Phyllis Bernard
Annette Coleman
Libby Ellin
Arlene Fox
Maxine Frutkoff
Paula Gaffin
Rhoda Greene
Michael Kazenel
Amy Korim
Catherine McDonagh
Gail Menees
Susan Merow
Elaine Moore

Nancy Murphy
Daniel Nagy
Peter Ottaviano
Bruce Pyne
Lori Robbins
Charlotte Rosen
Alex Rysman
Sheila Sharad
Margaret Sheibley
Birute Silvia
Caitlin Slattery
Julie Slattery
Rev. Stephen Trimble