How to ensure you don't miss out on Brockton Symphony Facebook posts and events
In 2018, Facebook changed how it determines what content to show in the Facebook Newsfeed. It puts a higher priority on showing you content that your Friends and Family have interacted with. And it will show you LESS content posted from businesses and organizations, like the Brockton Symphony.
To make sure you keep up to date with the Brockton Symphony's Events, you can follow these instructions.
1) go to the BrSO's Facebook page (
and ensure that you have "liked" the page and are "following" it to see our posts in your newsfeed. It should look like the red boxed area in the picture below.
2) Hover your mouse over "Following" and a drop-down will appear. This displays the options for how Facebook will show you our posts.
Choosing "See First" in your Newsfeed tells Facebook that you definitely want to see our posts and concert announcements.
If you never want to miss a Symphony post, you can choose to receive a notification for all our posts
or just what Facebook decides are "highlights".
Link to New York Times article on the changes Facebook has made as of January 2018.